Finding out you’re pregnant in college can feel like a whirlwind of emotions. Are you not sure where to turn or what’s next? Maybe you’re not sure who will support you right now. You are not alone. 

We’re here to give you more information about what could be the best next steps for you as you navigate an unexpected pregnancy.

Confirm Your Pregnancy Details

Understand all of your pregnancy details with pregnancy confirmation. Confirm your pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnancy test and an ultrasound from a medical professional. An ultrasound is important to confirm three vital pregnancy details:

  1. The viability of your pregnancy (has a heartbeat & is progressing)
  2. The location of your pregnancy (if it’s located within the uterus)
  3. How far along you are (also called the gestational age)

Your Pregnancy Options

Once you know where your pregnancy stands, it’s time to make a pregnancy decision. You have three pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. Be sure to understand all your pregnancy options, as it will affect your future significantly.

At Heart to Heart PRC, we provide a safe space to process every pregnancy option. You deserve compassionate care, factual medical knowledge, support, and a place to decompress.

Support is Available

Being pregnant in college can be stressful, both emotionally and financially. At Heart to Heart PRC, we provide free, reliable pregnancy testing so you can confirm your pregnancy. Our team of registered nurses can answer your questions in a confidential setting. 

If you receive a positive pregnancy test with us, our nurses at Heart to Heart PRC offer limited ultrasounds as well so you can determine your options and safeguard your health.

Schedule a no-cost and confidential pregnancy appointment to get clarity about your unique pregnancy. We can offer pregnancy services, options education, and a safe place to figure out what’s next for you.

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