Learning of your partner’s pregnancy can cause many emotions to surface. No matter how you’re feeling, we’re here to help both of you with services and support as you navigate your options.

We want you to feel confident and prepared for whatever happens next.

Helping You Embrace the Challenge

Here at Heart to Heart, we believe in setting you up for success every step of the way!

Thinking About Becoming a Father?

Fatherhood is the start of a new chapter. You might not know what to expect or how to care for a child. That’s okay! We’ve helped many men in similar positions.

If parenting is in your future, we offer classes and resources that have proven helpful and effective. We will ensure you feel equipped and supported.

Weighing Your Options As a Couple?

If you’re still unsure of your decision as a couple, we welcome you both to our center for a free appointment to discuss your options with a caring advocate.

While we do not refer for or provide abortion, we will share accurate information on every option. It’s a significant life decision that deserves all the facts.

Supporting Your Partner Through Pregnancy

While your partner experiences the ups and downs of pregnancy, she will value your support. Here are a few things you can do to support her:

  • Listen to her thoughts and feelings
  • Go with her to appointments
  • Give her space when she needs it
  • Encourage her regularly

Having a supportive partner will make a huge difference during this time.

Schedule an Appointment

All of our appointments are free and confidential without any insurance or income requirements. Contact us today to schedule as a couple.

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