If you have an unexpected pregnancy, know that abortion isn’t your only option. Despite what others may say, parenting and adoption are alternatives.

Let’s review what you should know about these options. Visiting a pregnancy center like Heart to Heart PRC is also essential to get the facts in a non-judgmental setting.

Could I Parent?

Parenting is a big responsibility and requires love, sacrifice, and courage. You may find your patience is tried, and you lose sleep, but many parents remark it is one of their most joyful experiences. The love you have for your child is like no other. 

Thinking about parenting can seem complicated, especially if you’re unsure where to begin. Consider asking yourself questions about your finances, support system, and whether your partner will be involved. Then, you can reflect on what you might need to choose this option. 

Heart to Heart PRC understands that support is essential during an unexpected pregnancy. We’ll help you weigh your options in a pressure-free environment, and if you choose parenting, we offer parenting classes on everything from prenatal development to money management. 

If you need material help, we’ll connect you to community organizations to help you get started. You won’t be alone. 

Is Adoption the Best Choice?

Adoption can seem like a scary decision. You might wonder whether you’ll form a relationship with your child and if help is available during the process. 

First, know that you are in control during your adoption journey. You choose an open, semi-open, or closed adoption plan. Each plan allows a different level of contact and confidentiality, and you won’t be forced to make a specific decision. 

Adoption agencies are there to support you as the birth parent. They prioritize your needs, help you sort through difficult emotions, and educate you on legal ramifications. You may also receive financial, material, and emotional assistance. 

Heart to Heart PRC will educate you on the adoption option and connect you with reputable agencies in our area. It’s your choice, and we’re here to help.

Unsure Where to Begin?

Heart to Heart PRC is a medical facility offering no-cost, confidential services to clients experiencing unexpected pregnancies.

 Contact us today to schedule an appointment. You aren’t alone.

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