4 Facts About Medical Abortion You Might Not Know

You may have heard about the abortion pill on social media, from your friends, or through your research. However, there are some facts that you might not know.  Keep reading to find out what they are, and you are welcome to contact Heart to Heart if you’d like to ask more questions. If you’re facing

What Do I Need to Know if I’m Pregnant in High School?

Time might have stood still when you learned you were pregnant. Your emotions are valid whether you feel frustrated, nervous, or even angry. We’re with you as you figure out your next steps. Knowing where to start with an unexpected pregnancy in high school can be challenging, but you’re not alone. Continue reading to gain

I’m Afraid of How My Boyfriend Will React to My Unexpected Pregnancy

Are you worried about your boyfriend’s reaction to your pregnancy news? It’s natural to feel nervous about the conversation. After all, emotions can run high, and you want to feel supported as you move forward.  However, there are practical steps you can take to prepare to share the news. Heart to Heart Pregnancy Resource Clinic

What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in College?

Finding out you’re pregnant in college can feel like a whirlwind of emotions. Are you not sure where to turn or what’s next? Maybe you’re not sure who will support you right now. You are not alone.  We’re here to give you more information about what could be the best next steps for you as

My Birth Control Failed: What Do I Do?

If your birth control failed and you’re worried you may be pregnant, take a deep breath. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, but you won’t be alone as you plan the next steps. You’ll want to take a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy and discuss your options. You can visit Heart to Heart. We know

When Am I Most Likely to Get Pregnant?

Understanding the ins and outs of your reproductive health will help you monitor changes in your body and prepare for the future. When it comes to pregnancy, it’s vital to know that timing is everything.  Whether you’re planning to become pregnant or would like to avoid pregnancy, you need information you can trust. Heart to

I’m Pregnant, and My Partner Is Abusive

Your safety is the number one priority. If you’re pregnant and are encountering an abusive relationship, seek immediate help. You deserve to feel safe and protected at all times.  Help is here. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE (7233) for immediate support.  Abusive Relationships During Pregnancy 1 in 6 women experience abuse

Could I Be Pregnant and Not Know It?

Yes, it is possible to be pregnant and not know it.  However, most women find out at some point, usually between 4 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. They may miss a period or experience pregnancy symptoms that lead to taking a pregnancy test. In some cases, women may not know they are pregnant until later

What Can I Do if I’m Afraid of Giving Birth?

If you’ve decided to parent or place your child for adoption, birth is a part of the process.  However, while it can be nerve-racking, painful, and come with many unknowns, it can also be a beautiful and worthwhile experience as you welcome a new child into the world. Keep reading for some tips if you

What Are My Second-Trimester Pregnancy Options?

You have several options if you’re in your second trimester of pregnancy. You can choose a surgical abortion, parenting, or adoption.  You may feel especially anxious about deciding when you’re further along. This is understandable. You can still get the information you need to make a thoughtful decision.  Abortion Your second trimester of pregnancy begins






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