Are you worried about your boyfriend’s reaction to your pregnancy news? It’s natural to feel nervous about the conversation. After all, emotions can run high, and you want to feel supported as you move forward. 

However, there are practical steps you can take to prepare to share the news. Heart to Heart Pregnancy Resource Clinic will be by your side through it all.

Keep reading to learn helpful information about having this conversation. 

1. Process your emotions about this pregnancy first. 

Before telling your boyfriend, process your feelings about this pregnancy. If it was unexpected, you’re likely wrestling with various emotions that could surface during the conversation. 

What were your initial thoughts about this pregnancy? Have you confirmed key pregnancy details with our limited ultrasound and started to explore your options? The more information you have going into the conversation, the more prepared you’ll feel.

2. Consider whether you feel comfortable sharing the news.

It’s natural to feel anxious about sharing the news. Remember that your health and safety are most important. You don’t have to tell your boyfriend if you are in an abusive relationship or feel otherwise unsafe. The National Domestic Violence Hotline will help you find resources and support, no matter your situation.

If you have a good relationship with your boyfriend, telling him about your pregnancy decision can build trust and support as you weigh your options. Remember, the pregnancy decision is yours alone, but you might have more help than you realize.

3. Choose the time and location that works best.

It is critical to select a place where you feel comfortable and supported. For example, you might feel most at ease sharing the news in your home, whereas a busy area can feel overwhelming. 

You’ll also want to consider what time to have the conversation. For example, if your boyfriend has a busy workweek, it may be best to tell him during the weekend when he can provide his full attention. 

4. Remember that you can’t predict his reaction, but giving space and building a support system can help.

It can be challenging to know how your boyfriend will react. He may respond with shock, excitement or confusion, during the conversation. Though you are most impacted by the pregnancy, this will likely be a big moment for him as he considers his responsibilities and the future. 

Give him time to process the news independently; this space will allow you both to regroup if he reacts negatively. When you feel comfortable, you can revisit the subject, gauge his support, and discuss the next steps.

Remember, this can be an exciting time for you both. If your boyfriend doesn’t react as you hoped, he may need more time and information. No matter the outcome, support is available. Identifying friends and family members who will walk alongside you is essential, and our advocates can help you navigate the decision-making process.

You are not alone. We are here for you.

Confidential Support

Want to learn more about having these conversations with your boyfriend? Interested in discussing your pregnancy options? We can help.

Schedule a no-cost, confidential appointment at Heart to Heart Pregnancy Resource Clinic. We’ll help you figure out what’s next.

Heart to Heart Pregnancy Resource Clinic does not provide or refer for abortions.

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