I’ve Already Had an Abortion and Don’t Want Another One. What Are My Options?
If you’ve already had an abortion and don’t want another one, you have two other options: parenting and adoption. While both choices involve carrying your pregnancy to term, after that, they look very different.
Heart to Heart provides support, information, and resources in Laramie, Wyoming. Schedule a no-cost appointment to talk with us in a safe and confidential environment.
Parenting comes with a mix of joy, struggles, rewards, and sacrifices. It’s a huge responsibility to take care of a child. While you might not feel prepared, are you willing to commit to parenting?
There are amazing, love-filled days, and there are challenging days. If you desire to raise your child, resources, classes, and support are available to help make it happen and ensure you’re ready.
When weighing your parenting options, consider these topics:
Heart to Heart can help you think through all of this and provide resources or connect you to community organizations. While you can receive help with housing, finances, childcare, and more, the main question you need to ask is whether you desire to parent.
Will you provide your child with love and support? Are you committed to taking care of their needs? Only you can answer those questions and make a decision.
Adoption requires carrying your pregnancy to term and then transferring parental rights and responsibilities to an adoptive couple.
While this can be an emotionally challenging decision, it provides an adoptive couple with the gift of growing their family.
As the birth mother, you can choose (or decide not to choose) the adoptive family. You can also pick the amount of contact you have with the adoptive family and your child in the future.
A reputable adoption agency will not charge you anything. Instead, the adoptive family typically pays for medical expenses and sometimes other costs depending on your state’s laws.
Is adoption what you truly want? If you think so, Heart to Heart can refer you to a trusted adoption agency.
Deciding between parenting and adoption can be difficult. There’s a lot to think about.
Heart to Heart is here to support you by answering questions and giving you space to process your emotions.
You can also receive a no-cost pregnancy test followed by an ultrasound to provide important pregnancy health details. Schedule your free appointment today.